Androgen Receptor TransActivation Assay using the stably transfected human AR-EcoScreen™ cell line

Topic: Endocrine disruption

Test Method Number:
TM2012-07 (JAP)
Short Name of TM:
AR-Ecoscreen test
Year received:
Responsible Organisation:
JaCVAM - Japan
General Comments:

Method Description

The AR-EcoScreen™ method uses the AR-EcoScreenTM cell line to detect (anti)androgenic activity. This method exclusively addresses transactivation and inhibition of an androgen-regulated reporter gene by binding to the human AR, and therefore it should not be directly extrapolated to the complex in vivo situation of androgen regulation of cellular processes. This test method is specifically designed to detect human AR-mediated transactivation and inhibition by measuring luciferase activity as the endpoint. In addition, the assay is only likely to inform on the activity of the parent molecule bearing in mind the limited metabolising capacities of the in vitro cell systems.

Track Approval Status

    Regulatory acceptance/Standards
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